IPN strives to restore and maintain the Native Aboriginal Indigenous cultural way of life traditionally established by the original inhabitants of Turtle Island (AMERICA as the colonizers call it), the Native-Aboriginal-Indigenous people.
Over the past year we have assimilated and distributed enormous amounts of information to the Native-Aboriginal-Indigenous people in the community, as well as the general public. We continue to stimulate society by providing educational material consistent with our mission.
Protect, restore and preserve cultural, historic, and sacred sites of Native-Aboriginal-Indigenous people through cultural traditional values, incorporating the highest environmental standards & technologies.
The Pocasset Wampanoag Tribe of the Pokanoket Nation-Watuppa Reservation/Turtle Clan Village is the only one of its kind.
A land base, for the development of a sovereign independent Nation, created to insure with due respect to the Native-Aboriginal-Indigenous people, their political, economic, social and educational advancement, and just treatment.