First Big Drum Pow Wow Since Pandemic Creates Unity

The first Big Drum Pow Wow since COVID-19 was held on Saturday, August 3rd at River Island Park, Woonsocket, RI, uniting tribal members of all generations, other tribal nations, and non-Native community members. Funding was provided by the Rhode Island Foundation.

Several hundred individuals enjoyed food, native arts, crafts, dancing and storytelling, hosted by Ambassador Chief Daryl Black Eagle Jamieson and Board Member John Graham. Nations represented included Pequot and Eastern Pequot, Narragansett, Nipmuc, Wabanaki, Taino and Indigenous tribal members from Central America. Founded in 1916, the Rhode Island Foundation is the state’s largest funder of Rhode Island non-profits; its community grants program supports what it calls “unique” and “important” events.

“It was good to hear the big drum again and to see all the generations represented,” says Chief Sequan Pijaki, Chairman of the Pocasset Wampanoag Tribe of the Pokanoket Nation, and founder of PPLT. We are grateful for the support of the RI Foundation, and for the attendance by our other funders at this opportunity for us to gather in person once again.”